Friday, September 30, 2016

Simple Science

Today we went to CLIC for the first time to experiment with what we've been studying in Science and Social Studies.  We, as a class, are writing this post using the scientific method.

Step 1: Observations: When we walked into the CLIC room, we saw some materials on the tables.  We didn't know what they were for.  We saw a piece of cork, a magnet, a bowl of water, and a message on the board.  Mrs. Condon explained that we were going to do an experiment where we made a compass out of simple materials, including a sewing needle.

Step 2: Problem: What would happen to the cork, needle and magnet to turn it into a compass?

Step 3:  Hypothesis: Some of our hypotheses were: 
  • we would use the magnet  and rub the needle to turn it into a compass
  • we were going to drop the magnet into the water and it would point north
  • we were going to put the cork over the magnet, put the needle on the cork and it would stick
Step 4: Experiment: Here are our steps
1.) Pick up the needle and the magnet
2.) Rub the magnet on the needle and pass it in one direction
3.) Rub it about 30-40 times
4.) Put down the magnet and the needle
5.) Lay the piece of cork on the water
6.) Lightly place the needle on the piece of cork
7.) Watch as the needle starts to spin and point north

Step 5: Results: In order to turn a needle into a compass, you have to magnetize the needle so it points north.

Step 6: Conclusion: Some of us had hypotheses that were correct or close, while others were not correct.  However, we know that an incorrect hypothesis can be as useful as one that's correct.

****Written by the members of Mrs. Lampe's class!**** 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Surface tension, compasses, and Secret Knowledge of 4th Graders!

We had a great week settling into routines and learning a lot!  Here are a couple highlights:

We explored the reading strategy of visualizing by listening to different pieces of classical music and drawing what we pictured in our minds.  We found out the names of the pieces of music at the end and were surprised by how accurate some of our mental images were!
We solidified our knowledge of cardinal and ordinal directions my making compasses...

...our finished products!

We practiced using the scientific method in an experiment with surface tension.  We were surprised as to how many drops of water could fit on a penny!  We even learned a trick to make a paperclip float!

In Writing, we read parts of "The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups" for inspiration.

We also signed up for Google Classroom, organized our folders and began writing our "Secret Knowledge of Fourth Graders" on the Chromebooks. 

We had quite a busy week! :)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Our First Full Week!

We've had a busy week here in the 4th grade!  It has been wonderful making new friends, connecting with old ones and coming together cooperatively as a class.  Here are some highlights from this week:

We enjoyed checking out our class library and learning all about how to read independently.

We learned about the scientific method and how it can help us be successful scientists.

We did an experiment that included pennies, vinegar and salt.  Ask one of us what happened!

We started our mentor sentences, beginning with "First Day Jitters".

We also practiced making observations in Science with Mystery Bags.

Some were easy to figure out...others were tougher!

We had a great first week!